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Permanent Method – Vasectomy

Permanent Method – Vasectomy


Anyone having a sterilisation must see it as a permanent step.

Reversal operations are difficult to do and there is no guarantee of success. In other words, do not have the operation if you think you may come to regret it.

What is vasectomy and how does it work.

Vasectomy is the common name for male sterilisation and  is a popular method of modern family planning chosen by  millions of men worldwide.

It offers a safe, convenient, and  effective permanent method of family planning.

The operation is a minor procedure carried out under local  anaesthetic that involves cutting and sealing the tubes that  carry sperm from the testicles to the penis.

To reach the tubes  the doctor will make either a small cut or puncture in the  scrotum. The tubes will then be cut and rejoined by tying the  ends together or sealing them with heat. The opening in the  scrotum will be very small and stitches may not be needed.

If stitches are needed, dissolvable stitches or surgical tape  will be used. The operation takes approximately 10 – 15  minutes to complete.

Why choose vasectomy?

Many men choose vasectomy because they wish to relieve  heir partner of some of the contraceptive burden in their  relationship.

Other men choose vasectomy because they have  completed their families or are certain they never wish to  have children.

Research shows that there are no known long-term health risks associated with having a vasectomy.

Visit your doctor if you are unsure or worried about anything after the procedure.

Are there any risks involved?

Vasectomy is a minor procedure with very little risk involved.

For the majority of men pain is mild and they do not require any further assistance. However, a small number of men  can experience bleeding, swelling or infection and occasionally sperm can leak out of the tube and collect in the surrounding tissue causing inflammation and pain.

In these cases it is best to see the doctor as soon as possible as these can be treated effectively. Some men may experience chronic pain or ongoing pain in their testicles.

Treatment for this can be unsuccessful.

There is a small risk that the procedure may not be successful and because of this you should continue to use other  contraception until you receive two negative semen results.

There is also a very small risk (1 in 2000) of late failure.

Having a vasectomywill not affect yoursex life.In fact  many couples find having a vasectomy improves their sex life as they enjoy greater sexual freedom without worrying about an unplanned pregnancy

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